5-2-1-0 Every Day! is an adaptation of the Maine Statewide Let's Go! Program. It is an obesity prevention initiative that uses evidence based strategies to enhance healthy living in schools, child care, out-of-school programs, health care practices, and workplaces. 5-2-1-0 Every Day! works with community organizations to reach children and families where they live, learn work and play and helps them to create environments supportive of healthy choices.
5-2-1-0 was brought to Kankakee County through the Partnership for a Healthier Community, a community collaborative focused on strategically addressing the needs of our communities and supporting safe and healthy communities.

Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.
Our Mission
We are committed to creating a healthy community through comprehensive assessments and the implementation of effective plans.

Our Vision
Partnership for a Healthy Community, building a strong, healthy and safe Kankakee County.