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1 or more hours of

physical activity every day

For Parents 

& Community

Get Kids Moving
11 Way to Encourage Your Child to Get Physically Active
Keep Kids Active
Let's Move! Get Active
45+ Fun Physical Activities for Kids of All Ages

For Educators

Active Academics-
Learning on the Move
Motivating Preschoolers 
to Be Active
Energizers for School
Secondary Classroom 
Physical Activities
In Class Physical Activity Breaks-
Good for the Mind & Body
5 2 1 0 Every Day!

5-2-1-0 Every Day! is an adaptation of the Let’s Go! evidence-based program at The Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital at Maine Medical Center, which uses a multi-setting approach to reach youth and families where they live, learn, work, and play to reinforce the importance of healthy eating and active living.

Contact us to find out more!


Phone: 815-802-9396

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